Personal Details of Young Player

    If you answer Yes, should your child be selected by the Club to play for us in a League requiring player registration, information from this Section will be provided to that League to enable them to check your eligibility to play in that League. Additionally, if you are U16 consent to share this information will be sought from the parent or legal guardian named in section 2 at the time of registration.

    Personal Details for Parent/Legal Guardians of Junior & Young Player Named on this Form

    If your child, as a junior player or young player, is selected to attend a County Board or League run event (such as trials, nets or representative fixtures), the Club may provide your child's name and your contact details to the relevant League / County Board to enable them to notify you of arrangements.

    Emergency Contact Details

    Can we use the above details as a contact in an emergency? If not please provide the contact details of an alternative adult below.

    Sporting Experience Information


    We will use this information to establish if there are any additional needs/support/adjustments that you may require (if so, please feel free to discuss this with us) and for statistical purposes.

    The Equality Act 2010 defines a disabled person as anyone with 'a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities'.

    If No, please move on to the next section. If Yes Please provide more details below.

    Medical Information

    Please detail below any important medical information that our coaches/junior co-ordinator need to know, and which would be affected by your child's participation in cricket activities. Such as: allergies; medical conditions (for example - epilepsy, asthma, and so on); current medication; special dietary requirements, any additional needs, and/or any injuries. Please indicate if you would like to discuss this privately with us.

    Not providing consent will not affect your child's membership to the Club, however giving us consent to share this information will help club volunteers to know how to respond effectively in the case of any medical emergency.

    Parent/Legal Guardian Participation Agreement

    Club policies include: Changing/showering, Missing children, Transporting children, Playing in open age (senior) matches, Photography / video, Anti bullying and the code of conduct, Managing children, Social media, text and email

    Club Photography and Video Consent

    If you do not wish to give consent for this, please contact us to discuss how we can manage any potential photography. Not giving consent will not affect your child's membership of the club.

    Parent/Guardian Agreement